Brand, casa regala, Romania

In toamna lui 2003, Wally Olins venea la Bucuresti, pentru a sustine prima conferinta dedicata brandingului de natiune. L-am intampinat la aeroport, impreuna cu asiciatii mei si dupa imbratisarile de rigoare, Wally – care punea pentru prima oara piciorul pe pamant romanesc – a intrebat: ‘So, what’s new with the Romanian Royal Family?’

Am fost luati prin surprindere atat de tare, ca ne-am abtinut greu sa nu scapam un ‘I beg your pardon?!”. Si fiindca chiar nu am stiut ce sa-i raspundem, mai mult decat ‘We believe they are well, thank you for asking’, atunci, Wally – istoric ca educatie si profesor la Oxford, s-a simtit dator sa ne predea intr-o lectie scurta si coplesitoare  cateva invataturi de baza despre regalitatea romaneasca, inclusiv amanunte inedite despre legatura romantica a printesei Margareta cu fostul prim ministru al Marii Britanii – Gordon Brown, pe cand erau studenti la Edinburgh University☺. Intr-un fel, Wally pasea prima oara pe pamantul romanesc cu foarte putine certitudini, si una dintre ele era, fara indoiala, Familia regala romaneasca inrudita cu Familia regala britanica.

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Brand, Royal House, Romania

In the fall of 2003 Wally Olins came to Bucharest to deliver his speech for the first conference dedicated to nation branding. I welcomed him at the airport together with my partners and during the first minutes of our conversation, Wally—who was setting foot for the first time on Romanian land—asked us: ”So, what’s new with the Romanian Royal Family?”

We were so astounded by his question, that we hardly refrained from replying ”I beg your pardon?!” Not knowing how else to tackle this question, we simply responded We believe they are well, thank you for asking at which point Wally Olins—professor of History at Oxford University—felt compelled to teach us some short yet overwhelming facts about the Romanian Royalty, including some undisclosed details of the romantic liaison between HRH Princess Margaret and former prime minister of Great Britain, Gordon Brown, while students at the University of Edinburgh.

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